Psychic & Spiritual Mediumship, Medical Intuitive and Spirit Guide Tarot Readings

in Galena, IL with

Tamara Ambroz

Book Your Appointment in the Shop or on ZOOM!

If you are ready to book your appointment for a reading with Tamara, Please choose from the following options and locations. (If you would like more information, please scroll down).

These days come with a giant side helping of confusion, paralysis, sorrow and doubt, don’t they? My life has been tumultuous even in the best of times and I know how it can feel to move through while dealing with a heavy heart and anxiety.

I have relied on the inspiration and comfort that Spirit has provided me to navigate the chaos in my life. Spirit has offered solace, grace and wise guidance.

As a Psychic, Medium, Medical Intuitive and Tarot Reader in my shop here in Galena, IL I offer the following readings:

  • Connecting with Loved Ones Who Have Passed Over

  • Connecting with Spirit Guides

  • Medical Intuitive Scan for People or Pets

  • Past (Parallel) Lives Immersive

  • Animal Companions Living or Passed

  • Business Interests

  • and More. Just ask!

I facilitate compassionate connection with spirit through Tarot and as a channel for your guides and ancestors. With Spirit, we can take a deep look into your life or physical body to seek a plan for positive movement forward. I am compassionate, non-judgmental and trauma informed in my practice after decades of service to my fellow humans.

I offer readings through Psychic, Tarot, Channeling and Intuitive Spiritual Mediumship. Each of these methods can help to inform and validate your life choices or situations.

What is the Difference Between Psychic and Mediumistic Connection?

  • Tarot is a psychic connection that can help clarify confusing situations and help you see where you should focus efforts and energy or make changes.

  • Spiritual mediumship is connecting with loved ones and ancestors who have passed on. It can also bring advice from spirit guides and other helpful energetic beings.

Your Psychic Mediumship and Tarot reading is held in my gorgeous private reading room or via Zoom.

I will never share your information with anyone.

Having a Girl’s Night or Bachelorette Party or just looking for things to do in Galena, IL and want to book a group Tarot Party? I can accommodate up to 6 people for a fun filled event at the shop.

Walk-In Readings nearly every SATURDAY at the shop.

Zoom readings also available.